Ensure quality and safety of care while turning these requirements into strength
As a healthcare provider (hospital, clinic, home care, pharmacy, etc.), you have to meet quality of care and risk management requirements.
To prove the quality of medical services and ensure patient satisfaction, you are probably certified ISO 9001 or ISO 13485 in the context of material safety. In all cases, you must harmonize and consolidate best practices while adapting to the realities of the field and the various business constraints.
On the financial side, you are certainly required to prevent the risk of error or fraud and to demonstrate the proper use of your funds. You have therefore implemented an internal control system.
To demonstrate compliance with these various requirements, you must:
- Model and share processes, procedures, protocols and operating methods
- Ensure risk management (operational, health and safety, financial…) and implement action plans
- Manage incidents, undesirable events and non-conformities
- Guarantee the proper execution of controls
- Prepare reports and other legal documents
Digitalize your quality-safety system and your internal control
Like many medical establishments, make these requirements a real asset for your establishment by choosing Optimiso Suite!
- Benefit from a reliable and centralized quality-safety system
- Easily communicate all your documentation to your employees
- Facilitate the declaration of incidents and gain in responsiveness in their treatment
- Easily control risk management
- Follow in real time the good realization of the controls
- Easily prove your compliance during audits
Some References

And more…
A project ?
Do you have a project related to Quality, Safety or Internal Control?