Your effective and legally compliant risk management

Private and public companies face various and numerous risks. The implementation of a risk management system is necessary to anticipate these undesirable events.

Optimiso Suite ensures efficient risk management thanks to an intuitive interface, the centralization of all information and automated monitoring.

  • Centralized and coherent risk management
  • Automated risk monitoring
  • Solution approved by auditors
Centralized and coherent risk management

Centralized and coherent risk management

All the elements necessary for good risk management are centralized in a single tool: processes, risks, risk indicators (KRI), preventive measures, action plans, etc. No more endless cases, you now have access to all the information in a few clicks.

Flexible and customizable, the Optimiso Suite software makes it possible to group and visualize risks according to your needs: by process, by entity, by type of risk (operational, financial, compliance, etc.).

With Optimiso Suite, the risks are linked to incidents, control methods and action plans. A single change to any of these ripples everywhere! You thus benefit from a coherent and error-free risk control system.

  • Centralization and quick access to all information
  • Grouping and visualization of risks according to your needs
  • Connection with incidents and action plans
Automated risk monitoring

Automated risk monitoring

Optimiso Suite risk management software simplifies documentation and risk analysis. Customize your risk scale then easily identify, prioritize and assess risks.

A real risk automation tool, Optimiso Suite allows you to generate personalized reports in just a few clicks: risk mapping, risk matrix, risk sheets, etc. This will save you time when preparing reports for presentation to your risk committees, management committees or boards of directors.

Optimiso Suite automates the monitoring of controls and action plans. You are relieved of this heavy task of monitoring employees and you follow the status of controls and preventive measures in real time. The software works for you!

  • Simplified risk assessment
  • Automatic and personalized report generation
  • Automated monitoring of control resources
Solution approved by auditors

Solution approved by auditors

Quickly access old risk assessments and make it easier to monitor their evolution with Optimiso Suite. The software provides traceability, history and archiving. A real time saver during the preparation of audits.

With personalized reportings, you easily create the reports requested by auditors or by management.

Thanks to the RMIS Optimiso Suite software, you can approach the audit with confidence. Auditors appreciate being able to easily find the information they need on a single platform. The control dashboard allows you to quickly see the responses to the identified risks.

  • History of risks and monitoring of their evolution
  • Matrix meets requirements
  • Easy, fast and serene audit

Prices for the risk management software

Some examples of prices for Optimiso Suite in Cloud mode


The fundamentals for getting started: description and monitoring of controls, risk assessment, editing the matrix.

With the modules:

◊  Risks
◊  Controls

530 € excl. VAT per month

for 1 editor
and up to 10 readers


Ideal for describing more broadly (processes, procedures, guidelines) and monitoring incidents or action plans.

With the modules of the Basic Pack and

◊  Processes
◊  Linked Documents
◊  Incidents
◊  Improvements

703 € excl. VAT per month

for 1 editor
and up to 10 readers


To go further and integrate indicators into your internal control as well as infrastructures and suppliers.

With the modules of the Standard Pack and

◊  Business Intelligence
◊  Indicators
◊  Assets

890 € excl. VAT per month

for 1 editor
and up to 10 readers

A consulting service at your disposal

A consulting service at your disposal

Benefit from consultants with extensive practical experience in risk management to support you in your project. Discover our consultancy services here.

Choose Optimiso Suite as you wish

Choose Optimiso Suite as you wish

In Cloud mode (SaaS) to free you from any technical constraints or in license mode (On-premise) to keep control of your software environment.

A quality support

A quality support

Benefit from both technical and business experts who have implemented similar projects. In addition, you benefit every month from good practices in video or image as well as a support platform with numerous training courses and FAQs.

  • Centralized and coherent risk management
  • Automated risk monitoring
  • Solution approved by auditors
Complete then watch the demo for risk management (in French)