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General informations
This site is edited by Optimiso Group SA, whose registered office is located at Chemin J-B Vandelle 8, 1290 Versoix | Genève, available by phone at +41 (0) 22 755 21 27 or email [email protected].
The design and development are provided by the company troisdeuxun.
The technical details for hosting the website are:
Avenue de la Praille 26
1227 Carouge | Genève
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Terms of use
By browsing this website, you are presumed, in your user quality, to know the conditions of use set out below and accept the terms.
Optimiso Group SA strives to provide the best of its abilities the accuracy and updating of information published on this site, and reserves the right to correct at any time and without notice, content.
However, Optimiso Group SA can not guarantee the accuracy, precision or completeness of the information made available on this site.
Because, Optimiso Group SA disclaims all responsibility:
- for any site interruption or bugs;
- any inaccuracy or omission in the information available on the site;
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Under no circumstances, Optimiso Group SA can not be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage to any nature whatsoever, arising from the use of its website.
Site managers allow an outsider to put on its website a link to the site provided the site is not contrary to the laws in force.
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If you want to make commercial use of this site, it must seek explicit consent from us.
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