A simple and efficient ISAE 3402 recognition

Prove the rigor and efficiency of your control activities with the Optimiso Suite software. Control monitoring is automated and you facilitate the ISAE 3402 recognition audit!

  • Matrix easy to build and update
  • Automate the monitoring of controls and record the modes of proof
  • ISAE 3402 audit more serene


Matrix easy to build and update

Matrix easy to build and update

For ISAE 3402, the description of internal controls and control objectives often takes the form of a “Process-Risks-Control objectives-Controls” matrix.

This matrix becomes interactive and easy to update: changes on an element are automatically reflected in all the rows of the matrix.

  • Saving time in the preparation of the audit
  • Configurable matrix as required
  • Global view and intuitive reading of the controls
Automate the monitoring of controls and record the modes of proof

Automate the monitoring of controls and record the modes of proof

The ISAE Type II report must demonstrate the effectiveness of the controls. Thanks to Optimiso Suite, employees easily record control results and modes of proof.

The software monitors controls and alerts employees of the controls to be performed.

  • Record of modes of proof
  • Monitoring status of controls in real time
  • Guarantee of the traceability of controls
ISAE 3402 audit more serene

ISAE 3402 audit more serene

The information is centralized in the software and the auditor easily finds all the elements necessary for writing the Type I or II report: process, procedures, description of controls, results and methods of proof.
Local auditors or Big Four, all approved Optimiso Suite for ISAE 3402 recognition.

  • Solution approuved by ISAE 3402 auditors
  • Easy access to proof modes
  • Fast and peaceful audit

Prices for ISAE 3402 software

Some examples of prices for Optimiso Suite in Cloud mode


The fundamentals for getting started: description and monitoring of controls, risk assessment, editing the matrix.

With the modules:

◊  Controls
◊  Risks


530 € excl. VAT per month

for 1 editor
and up to 10 readers


Ideal for describing more broadly (processes, procedures, guidelines) and monitoring incidents or action plans.

With the modules of the Basic Pack and

◊  Processes
◊  Linked Documents
◊  Incidents
◊  Improvements


703 € excl. VAT per month

for 1 editor
and up to 10 readers


To go further and integrate indicators into your internal control as well as infrastructures and suppliers.

With the modules of the Standard Pack and

◊  Business Intelligence
◊  Indicators


890 € excl. VAT per month

for 1 editor
and up to 10 readers

A consulting service at your disposal

A consulting service at your disposal

Benefit from consultants with extensive practical experience in ISAE 3402  to support you in your project. Discover our consultancy services here.

Choose Optimiso Suite as you wish

Choose Optimiso Suite as you wish

In Cloud mode (SaaS) to free you from any technical constraints or in license mode (On-premise) to keep control of your software environment.

A quality support

A quality support

Benefit from both technical and business experts who have implemented similar projects. In addition, you benefit every month from good practices in video or image as well as a support platform with numerous training courses and FAQs.

  • Matrix easy to build and update
  • Automate the monitoring of controls and record the modes of proof
  • ISAE 3402 audit more serene
Complete then watch the demo for ISAE 3402 recognition (in French)