Enhance your know-how with ease

Enhance your know-how with ease
For easy knowledge management
Employees come and go, however, a part of the company’s know-how leaves with them. To ensure growth, but also in the event of a merger or sale, the transmission of knowledge is essential. Combining all methodologies and know-how through knowledge management is the solution. Transmission is guaranteed during departures and for the integration of new employees.
Protect knowledge of the company and guarantee transmission
The Optimiso knowledge management software helps you to set out all knowledge and responsibilities. It makes it easy to create such descriptions. A veritable tool for Knowledge management, the Optimiso software assembles, organises and easily diffuses the company’s know-how, doing so using processes, procedures and all other organisation’s constituent elements.
Access to all information in just a few clicks
- One-click access for all employees to processes, operating modes, protocols, instructions and other documents
- Clear definition of responsibilities and skills
- Automatic creation of job descriptions and skill matrices
- Easy and fast update of the whole knowledge base