Describe job description

7 steps to describe your job descriptions

Knowing who does what is essential in any business. Job descriptions are often used to centralize tasks, responsibilities, and skills. How can you formalize them? How can you keep them up to date? Discover a seven-step method, successfully applied with our clients, to write your job descriptions.   What is a job description? A job […]

Published on 10 Jul 2024
Modèle des trois lignes de défense

The 3 Lines of Defense Model

What do the fortifications of Carcassonne and Internal Control have in common? They both involve lines of defense that serve to protect the castle on one hand, and to reduce and manage risks on the other. In the context of governance, internal control, and risk management, the Three Lines of Defense Model is often discussed. […]

Published on 02 Jul 2024
risque brut et risque net

Inherent risk and residual risk, what’s the difference and why assess them?

In terms of risk management, you often hear about inherent risk, residual risk, inherent risk, intrinsic risk, or residual risk. But what are they really? What is the difference between these terms? Why assess them? Discover the answers to these questions here! Inherent Risk vs Residual Risk   Why assess inherent risk and residual risk? […]

Published on 18 Jun 2024
identifier et évaluer vos risques

5 steps to identify and assess your risks

Every business is unique, with its own challenges, opportunities, and risks. Whether it’s meeting internal control requirements, complying with ISO standards, or adhering to legal mandates, effective risk management is crucial for businesses. Here, discover a five-step method successfully applied with our clients to identify and assess risks.   1/ Objective and scope of risk […]

Published on 11 Jun 2024
Mettre en place un PCA

How to implement an effective Business Continuity Plan (BCP)?

Companies face multiple risks: cyberattacks, natural disasters, power outages, etc. These threats are increasingly complex and unpredictable. They can paralyze your operations, lead to significant financial losses, and sometimes even threaten the survival of your company. This is where the Business Continuity Plan (BCP) comes in, a proactive strategy that allows your business to maintain […]

Published on 05 Jun 2024
Obtenir certification ISO 27001

16 steps to get ISO 27001 certification

Would you like to implement an Information Security Management System (ISMS) or obtain ISO 27001 certification? Good news! Optimiso Group reveals its best practices, successfully applied by our customers over the last 15 years. These 16 steps will provide you with a turnkey project for implementing your ISO 27001-certified ISMS.   1/ Presenting the project […]

Published on 16 Nov 2023

20 steps to get ISO 9001 certification

You want to start on a quality approach or get ISO 9001 certification but don’t know where to start? Optimiso Group reveals its strategy that has been successfully applied for over 15 years to companies of all sizes and sectors. Through 20 steps, you will benefit from a turnkey project to implement your ISO 9001 […]

Published on 21 Apr 2023
rapport des risques asset management

Asset Manager’s Risk Report – What should it contain?

  What are the key points of a risk report for an asset management company’s board of directors? The exact scope and depth of the report is of course very specific to each company: depending on the products/services provided, the markets/clients served as well as the regulatory regime. However, they are generic “must-have” key elements […]

Published on 20 Feb 2023
risques asset management

FINMA Risk Monitor 2022 – Top 4 Cyber Risks controls

On 10.11.2022, FINMA published its 2022 Risk Monitor. It provides an overview of what FINMA believes are the most important risks that supervised institutions are facing today. One of the key risks, amongst interest rate risk, credit risk, market risk, AML, and market access to Europe, are Cyber Risks. We would like to share with […]

Published on 19 Dec 2022
risques entreprise à éviter

Olympic Games, Euro football, Tour de France: 8 risks to avoid !

Sport is a source of popular enthusiasm, but it can also fuel media debates, be a source of political tension or be at the center of important financial stakes. In this context, because of their activity and their internal organization, sports associations form a separate sector of activity, particularly in the context of risk management, […]

Published on 29 Nov 2022